Dodos, Dimwits, and Fat Arses

Ever wonder about the knee caps of extinct dodos? Scientific discoveries challenge our preconceptions about extinct species like the dodo (e.g., weak, dim-witted, poorly adapted, inevitably doomed, etc.).

Zombie Science

Night of the Living Dead

While it’s scary to realize there real zombies in the real world, we also have the living dead among us right now in the form of endangered species that cannot be saved from extinction.

Throwing the Frogs Out With the Bath Water

Columbia spotted frog

Say hello to our new Columbia spotted frog friend, Fred, or Fredricka, as the case may be.  We don’t know which it is yet, but we were quite surprised recently to discover this little frog sitting in our amphibian breeding pond at the Endangered Species Lab in the Wildlife Conservation Center at Washington State University. … Continue reading

How to Save an Endangered Species

I recently had an interesting dialogue with Brian Palmer, who writes for the Green Lantern series for Slate Magazine, an online publication of the The Slate Group, a Division of the Washington Post Company.  Brian contacted me to see how I would answer a question that a reader had posed to him, “Which endangered species … Continue reading

Why Endangered?

Idaho Pygmy Rabbit

“Why?” asks one of the most fundamental questions in science, or for that matter, human existence.  Scientists spend a lot of time asking how and why does this or that particular phenomenon, event, or circumstance happen, and not another? “Why?” is always a good question for everyone to keep in their mind whether thinking about … Continue reading